High-Net-Worth Divorce Property Division in Pennsylvania
When high-net-worth spouses are dividing property in a divorce, there are numerous assets that must be considered. This can create a difficult and stressful divorce process. Issues may arise, particularly regarding what can and cannot be divided – including when it comes to private practices, stocks, and inherited assets.
Property that would be considered for distribution incident to a divorce would be anything that is acquired regardless of title from the date of marriage to the date of your separation. The date of your separation is when you and your spouse confirm to one another that you are no longer holding yourselves out as a married entity. Anything that is acquired, if it’s in your spouse’s name or your name, individually is property that can be distributed incident to the divorce. Also, anything that is in joint names would also be considered as property that would be divided during the divorce.
There are some limited exceptions in terms of what would not be divided. Anything that you acquire during the divorce that you receive as an inheritance or a gift from a third party or anything that is precluded from agreement, like a prenuptial agreement, would be potentially set aside and not be divided when you get divorced.
To read more, see here.