Advantages of Pennsylvania Prenuptial Agreements for Later Life Marriages
Many people are getting married when they are closer to thirty years of age and not twenty years of age, as they did in the 1960’s. Many couples are also remarrying for a second or third time or more in their later years. These couples more than likely have children and wish to provide for their children as well.
By being older and wanting to marry or remarry, individuals tend to have more assets when entering the marriage than they would have if they were getting married in their twenties. This is also true for many same sex couples who are contemplating marriage. There are many legal, and financial issues that need to be considered prior to these late in life marriages. Therefore, a pre nuptial agreement is very important to address the legal and financial issues facing couples getting married in later in life.
A pre-nuptial agreement is a legal document and can address a lot of what happens if the marriage fails or if a spouse dies. A prenuptial agreement can also state the parties’ intentions when passing down assets to children from a previous relationship or marriage.
To read more, see here.
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