Helping parties protect themselves before and after marriage.
A prenuptial agreement is an legal agreement, which parties can enter into prior to the marriage taking place. The purpose of the prenuptial agreement is to make sure that you and your soon to be spouse have a common understanding on the division of marital assets and finances in the event you were to divorce. The parties make a full and fair disclosure of all of their financial assets at the time of signing the prenuptial agreement. It is recommended that both parties hire an attorney, so they can each be adequately counseled on the terms of the agreement prior to signing the agreement.
A postnuptial agreement is an legal agreement, which parties can enter into after the marriage takes place. The purpose of the postnuptial agreement is to make settle marital and financial issues that come about during the marriage, so the parties can make decisions regarding the division of assets, the household budget, the expenses, and other issues that are present and of concern for the married couple. The agreement can also discuss the division of marital assets and finances in the event the parties were to divorce.